Legal notice


The content contained on the pages of this website are for information purposes only and may be changed or removed at any time without prior notice.

We make every effort to ensure that the information and data on the pages of this website are accurate. However, we do not accept any liability, and do not give any guarantee or other assurance, that the information and data provided is up-to-date, correct, accurate and complete, or that it is suitable for the purposes of the website visitor, or that the website is available. To the extent that the pages of this website contain forward-looking statements, they reflect the opinions, expectations and assumptions of our management at the time they were made and are based on information available to the management at the time they were made. As the actual future results and developments may differ substantially from the expectations and assumptions expressed here due to various factors, we do not guarantee, assure, represent or warrant, that future results and developments will occur as described in the forward-looking statements.

No responsibility is accepted for (i) any inaccuracies, incorrectness or omissions in relation to the information available on this website, (ii) any direct and/or indirect damage, irrespective of cause, origin, nature or consequences, caused by access – or the impossibility of access – to the website, as well as by the use of the website and its contents, and/or trust in the accuracy of information originating directly or indirectly from the website, (iii) any use of this information by visitors to the website.

We cannot control the content of websites and/or other online offers etc. of third parties. Therefore, if and to the extent that the pages of this website contain hyperlinks or other references to websites and/or other online offers etc. of third parties, or such third party websites and/or other online offers etc. contain a hyperlink or other reference to our websites, we do not accept any responsibility for the content of such third parties, or such third party websites and/or other online offers, and any liability in that regard is hereby excluded. Should you become aware of any breach of law on websites and/or other online offers etc. of third parties linked to this website, please inform us.

The above exclusions of liability do not apply in the case of intentional or grossly negligent actions, or in case of injury to life, body or health, or in case of the assumption of a guarantee of quality or due to the breach of essential contractual obligations. However, in case of breach of essential contractual obligations, liability in case of simple negligence is limited to typical, reasonably foreseeable damages. 


The content and structure/presentation of the pages of this website are protected by copyright. In particular, the drawings, graphics, photographs, images, animations, texts, sound and video sequences, data and other materials contained therein are subject to the industrial property rights and intellectual property rights to which we and/or our affiliated companies and/or the named third parties (e.g. the named artists) are entitled. All such rights are reserved. Therefore, any partial or complete reproduction, use, distribution, representation, modification, translation and/or transformation, such as transfer to another website, is prohibited without our prior written consent. Only the production of a copy for private purposes is permitted, provided the source is quoted.

The name and logo "Covivio" as well as other names, logos and slogans of us and/or our affiliated companies are our/their property. Any reproduction, use and/or modification made without their prior written consent may constitute unlawful use/imitation/counterfeiting, for which we and our affiliated companies do not accept and assume any responsibility.

III. Final provisions

The legal relationship between us or our affiliated companies and third parties in connection with this website and its content and any action, toleration or omission in this regard is subject to the law of the Federal Republic of Germany. 
Any agreements deviating from these legal notices must be agreed in writing to be effective. This also applies to the cancellation of this written form requirement.